Conference Registration SLC Registration Forms -- Conference Registration Chapter Name * FBLA District * 1N1S23N3S45678910111213 We are participating as * Full Conference Attendees (Wednesday through Friday) One Day Attendees Extra Night Attendees (Arrival after 6pm on Tuesday through Friday) Adviser Name * Adviser Email * Adviser Cell Number * Best Time to Call 121234567891011 : 000510152025303540455055 AMPM Chapter President Name Chapter President Email Full Conference Attendees Arrival at Conference Tuesday, April 8 after 3pm Wednesday, April 9 after 11am One Day Attendees Arrival at Conference Wednesday and Thursday, April 9 and 10 Wednesday, April 9 only Thursday, April 10 only Arrival Date * Arrival Time * 121234567891011 : 000510152025303540455055 AMPM Departure Date * Departure Time * 121234567891011 : 000510152025303540455055 AMPM Will you require overnight parking for * Car School Bus/Van Charter Bus No Does your chapter require hotel room space for a non-conference guest or bus driver * Yes (complete Non-Conference Guests/Bus Driver Registration below) No Non-Conference Guests/Bus Driver Registration Please make sure that full payment for above is included with your chapter's conference registration (contact Anita Halstead for special pricing). Remember that these individuals do not receive meals or registration packets. Name of Person Arrival Date Departure Date Room Type Desired Single Double Suggestion For Roommate If Double is Requested plus1 Add minus1 Remove One-Day Attendees Please Complete This Section If your chapter is attending for SLC as a one-day chapter, please list below all attendees. One-day chapters must be within a one hour drive from school to conference. Attendee Name FBLA Roster Number Adult or Student Adviser Chaperone Student plus1 Add minus1 Remove Full Conference Attendees Please Complete This Section Student or Adviser Adviser Chaperone Student Room Type Single Double Triple Quad Male or Female Male Female Occupant #1 Occupant #2 Occupant #3 Occupant #4 plus1 Add minus1 Remove Voting Delegate Registration (for FBLA-level chapters only) Please see the voting delegate section of the SLC Mailing for the responsibilities of a voting delegate. Number of Dues-Paid Members Reported to NYS FBLA for the 2024-2025 Year * Indicate the Number of Voting Delegates for Your Chapter * 1-49 members = 2 voting delegates 50-100 members = 3 voting delegates 101 members or over = 4 voting delegates Name of Voting Delegate for 1-49 members * Name of Voting Delegate for 1-49 members * Name of Voting Delegate for 50-100 members Name of Voting Delegate for 101 and over members Payment Information 50% Due to Lauren Stipo by March 1 with the remainder of the balance due March 28 Number of Students Attending * Number of Advisers Attending * Number of Chaperones Attending * Number of Guests Attending * Amount Owed * Check Number Date Check Sent Do You Require A Receipt For Adviser Room & Registration Fees Yes No Number of Competitors Attending * Number of Chapter Officers Attending * Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.