State EVP

Angela Lala

September Update
Hello New York State FBLA!! I hope your transitions back into this school year have been smooth and stress free, I know it’s been great for all of our state officers. Starting off our year strong we have many Fall District Meetings coming up soon, with the first being District 10’s on the 4th. FDMs are a great way to meet the members and state officers in your district, and give you valuable workshop experiences and memories, so i highly recommend you find out when your District is holding one and go attend! My school’s FBLA chapter has been picking up steam very quickly, with us volunteering at a Support Connections Walk the first weekend of October, starting off on our POW challenges for the year, and preparing for our district’s FDM at the end of October. For any members who want to level up and run for a state leadership position, applications are officially open on our website, and I highly recommend applying for a position. You never know what could happen!

There is a light at the end of the tunnel in that I am almost finished with my CommonApp process, and to any seniors out there no matter how far along you are in your applications, I wish you the best of luck from the bottom of my heart. With the burden of applications starting to weigh off, I’m taking the time to enjoy my last year of high school and appreciate everything before I graduate. If you are overwhelmed or struggling with the overload of responsibilities that the beginning of the school year brings, just know that it isn’t permanent, so be glad that it won’t last forever, but really enjoy it before it goes. If you need help with state officer applications, or advice on how to complete your CommonApp without going crazy, you’re more than welcome to email me at! 😊

August Update
Hi New York State FBLA!! The 2024-2025 membership year for FBLA has officially started, and I am looking forward to getting back in the groove of FBLA! The state officer team had its first official meeting this month, and I am happy to say that we have exciting plans and goals that are unfolding. Some more exciting news, the chapter officer GroupMes are almost completed and the links will be posted at the beginning of the school year. I can’t wait to be able to bring together and communicate with all of the chapter officers across New York State. Make sure to keep an eye out on our Instagram as the links will be posted there! If you haven’t read the Welcome Express yet, I highly suggest that you do. It is an absolute masterpiece (thanks to our fabulous reporter), and not only are the graphics amazing, but it’s full of community service ideas, inspirational quotes, and interesting articles (I submitted one, and you should totally read it).

Other than keeping in touch with the officers and preparing for the upcoming FBLA year, I’ve been working on the highlight of everyone’s senior year: college applications!!🥳 To all of the FBLA seniors I feel your pain in this tumultuous process, but just know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and when you finish you will never have to stress them again. I’ve been balancing out this work by spending time with my friends, especially the older ones who abandoned me for college (💔). I’ve also been busy with pre-season since I joined my school’s tennis team, so don’t be surprised if yall see me in the U.S. Open next year. My email is always open at for anything from questions about the POW this year, to asking me for amazing tennis advice!!

July Update
Hello again New York State!! My name is Angela Lala, and I’m really looking forward to serving another term as a state officer, especially as your EVP this year. I’ve always loved the month July, not only because it’s my birthday month, but also because July is always an eventful month for me. Before SOT I went to the beach constantly, explored new places with my friends, and had a fun shopping-intensive birthday celebration. One of the first things I did at SOT was present a slideshow on how to run FDMs and SDMs, and I’m confident that all of our conferences will be run smoothly by our SVPs this year. At training all of the state officers spent tireless hours working on POW challenges, while bonding with one another and making memories. I’m sure we will be receiving amazing submissions for the numerous creative challenges we will be putting out soon. My favorite memory from training overall had to have been going kayaking at the lake near the training center. It was a great time, and Jasmitha and I most definitely had the fastest kayak. 

As your EVP I’m already working on creating GroupMes to bring together chapter officers in various positions together across the state. I am excited to eventually meet so many chapter officers from all around New York State. The details will be out very soon on our Instagram account, which you should all go follow @newyorkfbla! I also have the privilege of working with all of the SVPs, and I get to hear about, and/or attend, upcoming FDMs. This upcoming year I hope to meet as many new members as possible, connect people from across the state, and watch New York FBLA grow. If you have any questions for me please feel more than welcome to email me at!