State Parliamentarian

Skye Fishman

March Update
What’s good New York State FBLA?

I know I’m doing well! I am loving the warmer weather and the start of spring (and the beginning of the end of the school year)!

In only a few days, I will see you all at the State Leadership Conference in Rochester! I am so excited to meet New York State FBLA members from around the state! While many of you will be competing in the various competitive events offered, I urge you to take advantage of the other opportunities the conference presents: Network with fellow members, attend workshops, visit the campaign booths, etc. SLC offers many opportunities so try to take advantage of them all!!

If you have any questions about SLC (or parli pro) please reach out to me over Instagram, or via my email, and ask any questions you may have!

Onto April!

February Update
How is it going New York State FBLA?

You know February is the shortest month and it certainly felt like it! Went by in a blink of the eye!

This month I was delighted to attend District 3S’s Spring District Meeting. It was a lot of fun to network with fellow FBLA members across the district and participate in various activities. I look forward to seeing more FBLA members in April at the State Leadership Conference.

This month, I worked with my fellow members in the Membership and Serivces Committee on viewing and grading our committee’s program of work submissions. It was so nice to see all the effort and creativity members put into their submissions.

I urge you all to reach out to me over Instagram, or via my email, and ask any questions you may have or for any advice on parliamentary procedure, or anything FBLA related!

Onto March!

January Update
Happy first month of 2025, New York State FBLA! This month certainly felt like it lasted two years! I began the month on Holiday Break, enjoying the snow and the festivities, then I was back at school studying chemistry!

Last weekend, I found myself in Rochester, meeting with my fellow State Officers for the
January Joint Meeting (JJM). It was great seeing everyone together for the first time since State Officer Training in July. At JJM, we made exciting plans for SLC in April where I hope to see you all! I am also excited to meet with my fellow District 3S members at our upcoming SDM next Friday.

In January, I went into more depth into subsidiary motions, which was a ton of fun! February’s theme will be on the bring-back motions within Parli Pro so be sure to keep an eye on my Instagram, @skyefbla.

I encourage you all to reach out to me over Instagram, or via my email, and ask any questions you may have or for any advice on parliamentary procedure, or anything FBLA related!

Onto February!

December Update
Happy Holidays NYS FBLA! It is honestly surreal that December and 2024 is already over. Feels like just last week I was watching the ball drop on New Year’s Eve 2023.

The holiday season is one of my favorites. I just love the hot chocolate, the lights, and most of all the music. My personal favorite holiday tune is “You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch.”

In December, I introduced the different types of motions: main motion, subsidiary motions, privileged motions, incidental motions, and bring-back motions. In the following months I will go into more depth on these types of motions. January’s theme will be on the subsidiary motions within Parli Pro so be sure to keep tuned and follow @skyefbla on Instagram.

For January, I am looking forward to meeting up with all my fellow State Officer’s for JJM in Rochester.

I encourage you all to reach out to me over Instagram, or via my email, and ask any questions you may have or for any advice on parliamentary procedure, or anything FBLA related!

Onto January!

November Update
Hello NYS FBLA!  How was everyone’s November? For me November was a fun month. I especially enjoyed Thanksgiving; seeing family and eating some great food!

The weather in recent weeks has turned frosty; I even saw some snow in the morning a couple days ago! I know some don’t like the winter and the cold weather, but I love it!

In school, winter sports have started, and I am elated to join the MHS fencing team for what will be my third season!

In November, I touched on voting within Parli Pro. In Parliamentary Procedure there are a lot of niche segments of voting. There are/can be many different methods of conducting a vote such as: voice voting, ballot, standing voting, general consent etc. But also voting can require different majorities such as 2/3’s or just simply more than half. December’s theme will be on the different types of motions within Parli Pro so be sure to keep an eye out and follow @skyefbla on Instagram to stay tuned.

In December, I’m looking forward to the holidays and hopefully some snow days!

I encourage you all to reach out to me over Instagram, or via my email, and ask any questions you may have or for any advice on parliamentary procedure, or anything FBLA related!

Onto December!

October Upate
Do you hear that? The sound of crisp leaves crunching? Fall weather and its glorious wonders are finally upon us. The scenery, especially in District 3S, is immaculate.

October was a busy month for me. It went by swiftly but certainly…left a trail of crunchy leaves. It was the first real month of the school year, and it did not disappoint. There was a lot of work to do, but I managed to ride the waves and arrive in November with a bucket full of candy in my right hand.

I was so delighted to see my fellow District 3S State Officers, Chloe, Alex, and Angela at District 3S’s FDM. We had a blast, and it was so rewarding hearing from different leaders in various fields such as education and finance, along with NYS FBLA members.

This past month, I have been posting on my NYS FBLA Instagram Account, @skyefbla, on the Order of Business. It’s been great to see the engagement of various NYS FBLA members across the state and I hope you have enjoyed the series. November’s theme will be Voting within Parliamentary Procedure, I hope you guys enjoy and learn a thing or two!

For this next month, I challenge all of you to get more involved in your FBLA chapter, start researching different competitive events, and start completing the program of work!

I encourage you all to reach out to me over Instagram, or via my email, and ask any questions you may have or for any advice on parliamentary procedure, or anything FBLA related!

Onto November!

September Update
Hey NYS FBLA! Is September done already? Feels like it just started yesterday and at the same time last year!

I hope everyone’s start to the School Year is going swimmingly. Junior year is an adjustment, but I think it is going alright! I am especially enjoying this mixture of summer and fall weather; it’s not too hot, not too cold… just right. I have to admit, my absolute favorite thing about fall weather is the falling leaves. I love the vibrant colors, and especially that perfect crunch when you step on them.

This past month, I have been posting some helpful Parliamentary Procedure Debate tips. I hope you all enjoyed and learned a thing or two from those! For October, I will be posting about Order of Business, so keep a look out for that on my Instagram @skyefbla. If you ever need advice, tips, and help with Parli Pro or any other FBLA-related topic, feel free to reach out!

In October, I am looking forward to a couple different things. First, I am super excited about District 3S’s FDM. I know it will be a blast! Secondly, I am looking forward to meeting with my FBLA chapter every Wednesday. Finally, of course super excited for Halloween to conclude the Month. Wishing you all an amazing October, again please feel free to reach out to my email or my Instagram!

Onto October!

August Update
Hello NYS FBLA! How is everyone’s summer going? August has gone by so fast! This month my fellow State Officers and I have worked diligently on preparing for the upcoming year, and Leading New York State FBLA Beyond Limits!

This month I worked on creating a monthly theme for the upcoming School Year relating to Parli Pro! You can see it on my Instagram @skyefbla. This upcoming month, September, will be on debate! So, look out for useful debate tips in the coming weeks! I also wrote an article for The FBLA Express, titled “Parli Pro Prowess” be sure to check that out along with the other fantastic articles!

I know it’s on everyone’s mind, but the school year is starting! I’m excited for what the upcoming year has to bring (hopefully good grades!). Here’s a Couple things I am looking forward to for this upcoming year:

  1. Making something tasty in Culinary Class
  2. Fall Weather
  3. Saying Hi to my Chapter Advisors Ms. S and Mr. J

Going into September let me leave you this one preview tip on debating with parliamentary procedure: You always must gain the floor to speak in debate. You do this by, 1) Standing up and Addressing the Chair, 2) Getting  Recognized by the Chair, 3) Now you can say what you wish to say!

Have a Great Start to the School Year FBLA! Contact me at

Onto September!

July Update
Greetings New York State FBLA! I am Skye Fishman, and I am proud to say I will be serving you all as the State Parliamentarian this upcoming year. A bit of background about me, I will be a Junior at Mamaroneck High School, I love the NY Islanders, and my favorite class at School is Culinary. I got into Parli pro in 8th grade and haven’t looked back since.

July has been a whirlwind of a month all the way from the beginning to the end. It started off in Orlando for NLC, which I have to say was way better than Atlanta the year before. For one, there wasn’t a heat wave like there was in 2023 (though Florida was still hot and humid), there were fun amusement parks to check out (It was my first time at Disney World). I really enjoyed Universal, and the Harry Potter section was super cool as someone who read the books when I was younger. The actual NLC Conference was fun and a great learning experience attending all the workshops hosted by experts.

Mid-July, I attended State Officer Training (SOT) with my fellow state officers at Christ the King Center. I immediately clicked with everyone and overall, SOT was one of the best experiences I have had in FBLA so far. As the State Parliamentarian, I taught my fellow state officers Parli Pro through a very long presentation. But overall, I think it went really well!

As you’re State Parliamentarian, I hope to help you, my fellow NYS FBLA Members dive into the world of Parliamentary Procedure. I’m going to do this by providing you all with easy-to-understand resources on debate, motions, (and more Parli Pro subjects!!!), so you can learn Robert’s Rules of Order in a straightforward way. This upcoming year, I also hope to hold workshops on Parliamentary Procedure, to help members in-person learn the basics of Parli Pro! Feel free to contact me!

Onto August!