Yasmin Issa
March Update
I can’t believe that the State Leadership Conference is almost here! A short year ago, I assumed my role as State Secretary, and in that time had the experiences of a lifetime. Through conferences, presentations and working with my fellow State Officers, I have learned valuable lessons in leadership and collaboration.
This month, working in tandem with the Career Development Committee and Career and College Readiness Council, I assisted in the creation of content for the New York FBLA Instagram page, including a video on Program of Work testimonials and a slideshow detailing how to email a resume.
I also devoted much of my time to helping members of my local chapter prepare for competitive events, as well as organizing materials for the workshops and presentations I will have to do at the State Leadership Conference. Additionally, to ensure the success of members in competitive events, I compiled a list of advice from national officers for presentations that was featured in the Spring Edition of FBLA Express. Shortly after, I sent out an email blast to advisers with tips and advice to help their students prepare for competition. If you have any questions or concerns regarding SLC, please do not hesitate to reach out at secretary@nysfbla.org or yasmin_fbla.
As we reflect on the achievements of the past year in FBLA, I am overwhelmed by gratitude to have been a State Officer. It has been an honor being able to serve you, NYS FBLA, thank you for it all!
February Update
Hello NYS FBLA! With Career and Technical Education month, FBLA week, Program of Work deadlines and Spring District Meeting, February has presented numerous opportunities to dive deeper into the business world!
The highlight of this month for me would have to be attending the District 4 SDM with my local chapter, Sharon Springs FBLA. It was great being able to connect with some of my local NYS FBLA members, whether it be through networking during general sessions or competing alongside them in performance events. Through these experiences, I have been able to experience a greater sense of the FBLA community, which is something I encourage all of you to embrace in the months leading up to the State Leadership Conference.
Regarding Program of Work challenges, I spent the early part of this month creating social media posts to remind members of the imminent deadline, collaborating with the Career and College Readiness Council Members and the Career Development Commitee to complete these various tasks.
In the last couple of months in my term as State Secretary, I will continue to work towards fostering seamless communication, whether that be through social media, email or the local chapter office Group Me chats. If you ever have question on anything FBLA related, please do not hesitate to reach out at secretary@nysfbla.org or yasmin_fbla!
As we celebrate FBLA this month, make sure to take the time to celebrate yourself, our membership, that remains the core of our organization!
January Update
Hello NYS FBLA! I hope you all are having a great start to the new year! This month, I attended the January Joint Meeting in Rochester on January 24-26. It was great to be able to see my fellow officers for the first time in-person since State Officer Training and work together to plan for the State Leadership Conference, choose the 2025-2026 State Theme and Logo and work on promoting Program of Work challenges!
Just as a reminder, the deadline for Program of Work challenges is rapidly approaching on February 15, so there are only a couple short weeks left to participate. Beyond being a great way to get more involved in FBLA, the challenges provide members with opportunity to display their creativity and innovation, as well achieve proficiency in a wide variety of aptitudes of
professionalism, including communication, goal setting and entrepreneurship.
Additionally, the Mid-Year edition of The FBLA Express was published this month, and it is a great resource to stay updated on things happening across New York State, as well receive tips from your State Officers. Make sure to check out my featured article, “Ready, Set, Succeed!” which details how to set and achieve goals in 2025!
For this new year, I encourage all of NYS FBLA to work towards embracing community and fostering collaboration as we embark on the path to the State Leadership Conference. As always, do not hesitate to reach out to secretary@nysfbla.org with any questions or concerns!
December Update
Hello NYS FBLA! I hope all of you enjoyed a relaxing holiday season and are excited for the upcoming year. A new year brings a plethora of opportunities for learning and growth, and I hope by participating in Program of Work challenges and competitive events, all of NYS FBLA members will be able to improve themselves and their communities!
This month, the State Officer Team has been working hard preparing for the January Joint Meeting, which is a meeting between the officers and the Board of Trustees to plan for the State Leadership Conference! Hosted at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center, the State Officer Team comes together to decide the next year’s state theme, present reports on their yearly progress and coordinate Program of Work challenges. I am excited for the opportunity to spend time with my fellow State Officers, and hopefully, create more content for the NYS FBLA Instagram page!
Additionally, State Officer Applications were due on December 15th, and all eligible candidates are now preparing to take a required exam at their Spring District Meeting. In a matter of months, members will be able to meet and vote for each candidate at the State Leadership Conference. I wish the best of luck to all those running for a position!
These next few months are sure to bring new opportunities, with SDMs, preparing for competitive events and Program of Work challenges, and if you ever need any guidance, please do not hesitate to reach out at secretary@nysfbla.org or yasmin_fbla!
November Update
Hello NYS FBLA! I can’t believe that it is already November! It seems that the beginning of this school year has already flown by! For those of you who attended your district’s FDM, I hope you had a wonderful experience.
This month, I have been busy with a wide variety of different responsibilities for FBLA, including promoting Program of Work challenges, choosing competitive events and organizing sponsorships for the State Leadership Conference.
As part of responsibility as a member of the Career Development Committee, I helped to create a post containing tips for 30-Second Spotlight, a challenge in which members must create an elevator pitch as if they were interviewing for a financial analyst position at Johanson Banking.
My best advice for members completing Program of Work challenges is to make the submissions contain all the required information and that you take both an innovative and creative approach to completing the prompt. In the weeks to come, the Career Development Committee will be handling council applications, as well as releasing tips for Pitch it to Win it. Make sure to stay tuned for more updates on the NYS FBLA website!
Additionally, I would like to highlight another opportunity available to NYS FBLA members, which is running for State Office! Once you have an interview with a member of the Board of Trustees, official applications are due on December 15. If you have any questions regarding the application process do not hesitate to reach out at secretary@nysfbla.org or yasmin_fbla on Instagram!
October Update
Hello NYS FBLA!! District FDMs are happening across the state this month, and I hope all of you who attended had an amazing experience!
This month, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the District 4 FDM at Bryon and Stratton College in Albany. It was a great experience being able to network with NYS FBLA members, meet new district officers and present a Program of Work presentation detailing the challenges members can participate in this year.
As Vice President of my local chapter, I have been working on fundraising opportunities and helping chapter members choose competitive events and Program of Work challenges.
Additionally, I have been working diligently with the Career Development Committee to promote our three challenges: Post a Profession, 30-Second Spotlight and Pitch it to Win it. During the month of October, we created an example post for Post a Profession that NYS FBLA members can use for inspiration when creating their own submissions. It contains all the relevant information for a career as a business teacher and utilizes graphics to make the content more appealing.
To keep in touch with the State Officer Team, I encourage all local chapter officers to join the GroupMe chats for their corresponding positions. It is a great way to connect with NYS FBLA members and receive information regarding conferences, competitive events and other opportunities. As always, do not hesitate to reach out at secretary@nysfbla.org or yasmin_fbla if you have any questions!
September Update
Hello NYS FBLA! I hope all of you are enjoying the back-to-school season and have begun working with members of your local chapters to elect officers, participate in the Program of Work challenges and prepare for upcoming conferences.
During this month, the State Officer Team has continued towards expanding NYS FBLA’s social media presence, highlighting the efforts by each of the Program of Work committees and providing members with tips on how to effectively use parliamentary procedure, steps towards financial literacy, public speaking and information regarding district officer applications.
Also, I have been collaborating with state officers and the Board of Trustees regarding sponsorships for the SLC, drafting emails and a tentative list of local universities to reach out to. This will help NYS FBLA continue to host exceptional conferences, expose members to opportunities at different universities and help them prepare for their academic futures as future business leaders!
Lastly, thanks to the efforts of Executive Vice President, Angela Lala, each one of the mainline officers has a Group Me chat that corresponds with their office. Now, members will be able to reach out directly to any of the mainline officers through a question-and-answer chat and be part of a larger FBLA community. I encourage all local chapter and district secretaries to join!
If you have any questions regarding the Group Me chat, please do not hesitate to reach out at secretary@nysfbla.org or @yasmin_fbla on Instagram. I look forward to connecting with you all!
August Update
Hello NYS FBLA! As summer slowly dwindles away, I hope you all are taking this time to start getting prepared for the upcoming membership year!
This month, the State Officer Team had their first monthly conference call, planning fundraising opportunities and social media posts for August. Despite not being able to see each other in person, the State Officer Team’s communication has continued to thrive, and I am extremely grateful for their endless support.
To continue fulfilling my role as State Secretary, I have spent this past month editing the official meeting minutes for State Officer Training and our August conference call. Additionally, I have worked towards staying connected with FBLA members at both the state and national level, by creating my own Instagram account (@yasmin_fbla). Make sure to follow me, for more behind the scenes of State Officer Training and tips on how to make the most of your FBLA experience!
I can’t believe the invaluable skills I have learned in such a short amount of time! Back to school season has officially begun, but regardless of the stresses and anxieties it may bring, rest assured that your State Officer Team is doing the most to ensure NYS FBLA’s success! Keep an eye out for various posts on our Instagram page, and make sure to reach out at secretary@nysfbla.org if you have any questions!
July Update
Hello NYS FBLA! My name is Yasmin Issa and I’m going to be serving as State Secretary for the 2024-2025 State Officer Team. I hope you all are enjoying this summer so far and are getting excited for the upcoming membership year! For my first responsibility as Secretary, I attended State Officer Training at Christ the King Spiritual Center in Greenwich.
This conference is the first initial meeting of the newly elected State Officer Team, in which we attend informative workshops, network with fellow officers, create the program of work for the upcoming year and use parliamentary procedure to run official meetings with the Board of Trustees.
I am incredibly proud of what the State Officer Team has accomplished so far, and the different goals and programs we plan to implant throughout the year, by being more accessible to NYS FBLA members and helping to increase our state’s recognition at the national level. Regardless of where your FBLA journey takes you this year, either as a member of a committee, competitor or state officer, please feel free to reach out at secretary@nysfbla.org to collaborate for a year of success!